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Total: 575  
Seen: 107 (18.6%)
See Again: 44 (7.7%)
Unseen: 424 (73.7%)

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=================================== (01) ====================================


(b. 1889) (1914-1967) (d. 1977 @ 88y)





=================================== (02) ====================================


(b. 1895) (1917-1966) (d. 1966 @ 70y)





=================================== (03) ====================================


(b. 1875) ((1908-1931)1940) (d. 1948 @ 73y)


------------------------------ Theatrical Features ------------------------------

IMDb Statistics as of March, 2014


(Sorted by Date of Release)

1. Judith of Bethulia (1914)
2. The Battle of the Sexes (1914)
3. Home, Sweet Home (1914)
4. The Escape (1914) [LOST]
5. The Avenging Conscience: Or 'Thou Shalt Not Kill' (1914)
6. The Birth of a Nation (1915)
7. Intolerance (1916)
8. Hearts of the World (1918)
9. The Great Love (1918) [LOST]
10. The Greatest Thing In Life (1918)
11. A Romance of Happy Valley (1919)
12. The Girl Who Stayed At Home (1919)
13. Broken Blossoms (1919)
14. True Heart Susie (1919)
15. The Fall of Babylon (1919)
16. The Mother and the Law (1919)
17. Scarlet Days (1919)
18. The Greatest Question (1919)
19. The Idol Dancer (1920)
20. The Love Flower (1920)
21. Way Down East (1920)
22. Dream Street (1921)
23. Orphans of the Storm (1921)
24. One Exciting Night (1922)
25. The White Rose (1923)
26. America (1924)
27. Isn't Life Wonderful (1924)
28. Sally of the Sawdust (1925)
29. That Royle Girl (1925) [LOST]
30. The Sorrows of Satan (1926)
31. Sentimental Tommy (1928)
32. The Battle of the Sexes (1928)
33. Lady of the Pavements (1929)
34. Abraham Lincoln (1930)
35. The Struggle (1931)

(Sorted by # of IMDb Votes)

1. The Birth of a Nation (1915)  (13,798 votes) (6.9)
2. Intolerance (1916)  (8,681 votes) (8.0)
3. Broken Blossoms (1919)  (5,847 votes) (7.7)
4. Orphans of the Storm (1921)  (3,162 votes) (8.1)
5. Way Down East (1920)  (3,141 votes) (8.1)
6. True Heart Susie (1919)  (870 votes) (7.2)
7. Abraham Lincoln (1930)  (820 votes) (5.8)
8. Judith of Bethulia (1914)  (817 votes) (7.9)
9. The Avenging Conscience: Or 'Thou Shalt Not Kill' (1914)  (714 votes) (7.0)
10. Hearts of the World (1918)  (559 votes) (6.9)
11. The Greatest Question (1919)  (488 votes) (7.0)
12. Sally of the Sawdust (1925)  (335 votes) (7.0)
13. Scarlet Days (1919)  (321 votes) (7.1)
14. The Battle of the Sexes (1928)  (266 votes) (6.7)
15. America (1924)  (238 votes) (6.6)
16. Isn't Life Wonderful (1924)  (176 votes) (8.0)
17. A Romance of Happy Valley (1919)  (168 votes) (7.4)
18. The Struggle (1931)  (160 votes) (6.4)
19. The Sorrows of Satan (1926)  (137 votes) (7.5)
20. The Mother and the Law (1919)  (84 votes) (7.3)
21. The White Rose (1923)  (83 votes) (7.2)
22. Home, Sweet Home (1914)  (73 votes) (5.9)
23. Dream Street (1921)  (72 votes) (5.9)
24. The Girl Who Stayed At Home (1919)  (47 votes) (6.6)
25. The Love Flower (1920)  (44 votes) (6.8)
26. One Exciting Night (1922)  (41 votes) (7.1)
27. The Idol Dancer (1920)  (38 votes) (6.0)
28. The Fall of Babylon (1919)  (35 votes) (6.7)
29. Lady of the Pavements (1929)  (33 votes) (7.5)
30. Sentimental Tommy (1928)  (32 votes) (5.4)
31. The Battle of the Sexes (1914)  (31 votes) (6.1)
32. The Greatest Thing In Life (1918)  (13 votes) (6.1)
33. The Escape (1914) [LOST]
34. The Great Love (1918) [LOST]
35. That Royle Girl (1925) [LOST]

(Sorted by IMDb Rating)

1. Orphans of the Storm (1921)  (3,162 votes) (8.1)
2. Way Down East (1920)  (3,141 votes) (8.1)
3. Intolerance (1916)  (8,681 votes) (8.0)
4. Isn't Life Wonderful (1924)  (176 votes) (8.0)
5. Judith of Bethulia (1914)  (817 votes) (7.9)
6. Broken Blossoms (1919)  (5,847 votes) (7.7)
7. The Sorrows of Satan (1926)  (137 votes) (7.5)
8. Lady of the Pavements (1929)  (33 votes) (7.5)
9. A Romance of Happy Valley (1919)  (168 votes) (7.4)
10. The Mother and the Law (1919)  (84 votes) (7.3)
11. True Heart Susie (1919)  (870 votes) (7.2)
12. The White Rose (1923)  (83 votes) (7.2)
13. Scarlet Days (1919)  (321 votes) (7.1)
14. One Exciting Night (1922)  (41 votes) (7.1)
15. The Avenging Conscience: Or 'Thou Shalt Not Kill' (1914)  (714 votes) (7.0)
16. The Greatest Question (1919)  (488 votes) (7.0)
17. Sally of the Sawdust (1925)  (335 votes) (7.0)
18. The Birth of a Nation (1915)  (13,798 votes) (6.9)
19. Hearts of the World (1918)  (559 votes) (6.9)
20. The Love Flower (1920)  (44 votes) (6.8)
21. The Battle of the Sexes (1928)  (266 votes) (6.7)
22. The Fall of Babylon (1919)  (35 votes) (6.7)
23. America (1924)  (238 votes) (6.6)
24. The Girl Who Stayed At Home (1919)  (47 votes) (6.6)
25. The Struggle (1931)  (160 votes) (6.4)
26. The Battle of the Sexes (1914)  (31 votes) (6.1)
27. The Greatest Thing In Life (1918)  (13 votes) (6.1)
28. The Idol Dancer (1920)  (38 votes) (6.0)
29. Home, Sweet Home (1914)  (73 votes) (5.9)
30. Dream Street (1921)  (72 votes) (5.9)
31. Abraham Lincoln (1930)  (820 votes) (5.8)
32. Sentimental Tommy (1928)  (32 votes) (5.4)
33. The Escape (1914) [LOST]
34. The Great Love (1918) [LOST]
35. That Royle Girl (1925) [LOST]

------------------------------ Selected Theatrical Shorts ------------------------------


36. A Corner In Wheat (1909)
37. Lady Helen's Escapade (1909)
38. Ramona (1910)
39. The Lonedale Operator (1911)
40. The Girl and Her Trust (1912)
41. The Musketeers of Pig Alley (1912)
42. The Old Actor (1912)
43. The Mothering Heart (1913)
44. Those Darn Hats (1909)
45. In the Border States (1910)
46. For His Son (1912)
47. The Sunbeam (1912)

=================================== (04) ====================================


(b. 1885) (1915(1919-1933)1955) (d. 1957 @ 71y)


1. Blind Husbands (1919)
2. The Devil's Passkey (1920) [LOST] (see note #1)
3. Foolish Wives (1922)
4. Merry-Go-Round (1923)  (see note #2)
5. Greed (1924)
6. The Merry Widow (1925)
7a. The Wedding March (1928)  (see note #3)
7b. The Honeymoon (1928) [LOST] (see note #3)
8. The Great Gabbo (1929)  (see note #4)
9. Queen Kelly (1929)  (see note #5)
10. Hello, Sister! (1933)  (see note #6)

Note #1: "The Devil's Passkey" - In 1941 it was discovered that the original nitrate print had decomposed in the Universal vaults. It is presumed to be a LOST film.


Note #2: "Merry-Go-Round" - During production, Erich von Stroheim was fired and replaced by Rupert Julian because of cost overruns. According to some sources, Julian re-shot most of the scenes that had already been filmed, the story was altered from von Stroheim's original vision, and Stroheim's original footage accounts for less than ten minutes. According to other sources, the film was thematically and texturally Stroheim's film, and contains enough von Stroheim touches to suggest that "official" director Rupert Julian merely tied together the film's loose ends.


Note #3: "The Wedding March" & "The Honeymoon" - Erich von Stroheim's story consisted of three-parts which he envisioned filming as a 3-part epic. Shooting began on the first film "The Wedding March", but was stopped after nine months of filming. Stroheim was then ordered to make two films from the material already completed: "The Wedding March" and the sequel "The Honeymoon". No footage was ever filmed for the planned (and unnamed) third part. "The Wedding March" (as it survives today) premiered in the USA on October 6, 1928 and tells only about one-third of the original story that Stroheim wrote for that film. The sequel "The Honeymoon" was never completed and never released in the US, although it had a limited release in Europe (date unknown). The only known copy of "The Honeymoon" was destroyed in a fire in the 1950s and is thus considered a LOST film.


Note #4: "The Great Gabbo" - Director: James Cruze / Star & Uncredited Director: Erich von Stroheim


Note #5: "Queen Kelly" - Original filming began on November 1, 1928. On January 21, 1929 (with little more than one-third of the planned 4-hour film shot), Stroheim was fired by producer Joseph P. Kennedy at the insistence of the film's star (and Kennedy's mistress) Gloria Swanson, a move which effectively shut down production of the film. Swanson demanded the firing following complaints about the direction the film was taking, namely that the African part of the storyline was distasteful. Kennedy and Swanson decided to scrap the African storyline, and salvage the European material. Synchronized sound retakes were shot on December 9, 1929 to be added to the film, which was originally envisioned and shot as a silent film. Two years later, an alternate ending was shot on November 24, 1931 by cinematographer Gregg Toland to complete the picture, which is known as the 'Swanson Ending' or 'Suicide Ending'. This version contained dialogue sequences and one musical interlude sung by star Swanson. Since Stroheim owned part of the property, he refused to grant releasing rights in the U.S. and elsewhere for what he considered a bastardized version. This revised version was released in November, 1932 in runs that were limited to Europe and South America. A short extract of the film appears in in the 1950 film which reunited Erich von Strohein and Gloria Swanson - "Sunset Boulevard" - the first time viewers in the US got to see any footage from the troubled 1929 film. It would be another 16 years before "Queen Kelly" was finally shown in the U.S. (with the Swanson/Suicide Ending) via both a minor theatrical release and television broadcast. The television broadcast included a taped introduction and conclusion in which Swanson talked about the history of the project. In 1985, Kino International acquired the rights to the movie and restored two versions: one that uses still photos and subtitles in an attempt to wrap up the African storyline version, and the other European "'Swanson/Suicide Ending" version (both of which are available on the DVD).


Note #6: "Hello, Sister!" - Although Stroheim completed a film titled "Walking Down Broadway" on schedule and within the allotted budget, that film was deemed too raw and gritty by Fox producers. As a result, Stroheim (who both wrote and directed "Walking Down Broadway") was fired. A new screenwriter was brought in to redo the script, and Alan Crosland was brought in to direct. The film, retitled "Hello, Sister!, was almost entirely re-shot, and Stroheim's name was removed from the official credits. When released, "Hello, Sister!" flopped. Although some of Stroheim's scenes from "Walking Down Broadway" were inter-cut with the newly filmed "Hello, Sister!" material, most of his footage was left on the cutting room floor and has never been recovered. As a result, many sources now describe "Walking Down Broadway" as a lost film, and it is only the retitled hybrid version of the film which survives today. (Note: IMDb does not have a separate entry for "Walking Down Broadway", rather that title is listed as the "USA (working title)" for "Hello, Sister!").

The following 2 links contain an abridged 2-part You Tube version of the film containing 43% (26:37) of 62 min of total film footage including opening credits and selected scenes delineating‎ the entire film's plot including the film's closing scenes: (part 1) (part 2)

(article containing analysis of film before and after re-editing)

=================================== (05) ====================================


(b. 1899) (1922(1925-1976)) (d. 1980 @ 80y)


Theatrical Narrative Features (London Era)



1. The Pleasure Garden (1925)
2. The Mountain Eagle (1926) (aka "Fear o' God") [LOST]
3. The Lodger (1927)
4. The Ring (1927)
5. Downhill (1927)  (aka "When Boys Leave Home")
6. The Farmer's Wife (1928)
7. Easy Virtue (1928)
8. Champagne (1928)
9. The Manxman (1929)


10. Blackmail (1929)
11. Juno and the Paycock (1930)  (aka "The Shame of Mary Boyle")
12a. Murder! (1930)
12b. Mary (1931)
---> German language version of "Murder"
---> filmed at same time on same sets w/ German cast
13. The Skin Game (1931)
14. Rich and Strange (1931)  (aka "East of Shanghai")
15. Number Seventeen (1932)
16. Waltzes From Vienna (1934)  (aka "Strauss' Great Waltz")
17. The Man Who Knew Too Much (1934)
18. The 39 Steps (1935)
19. Secret Agent (1936)
20. Sabotage (1936)
21. Young and Innocent (1937)  (aka "The Girl Was Young")
22. The Lady Vanishes (1938)
23. Jamaica Inn (1939)

Theatrical Narrative Features (Hollywood Era)

24. Rebecca (1940)
25. Foreign Correspondent (1940)
26. Mr. and Mrs. Smith (1941)
27. Suspicion (1941)
28. Saboteur (1942)
29. Shadow of a Doubt (1943)
30. Lifeboat (1944)
31. Spellbound (1945)
32. Notorious (1946)
33. The Paradine Case (1947)
34. Rope (1948)
35. Under Capricorn (1949)
36. Stage Fright (1950)
37. Strangers On a Train (1951)
38. I Confess (1953)
39. Dial M For Murder (1954)
40. Rear Window (1954)
41. To Catch a Thief (1955)
42. The Trouble With Harry (1955)
43. The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956)
44. The Wrong Man (1956)
45. Vertigo (1958)
46. North By Northwest (1959)
47. Psycho (1960)
48. The Birds (1963)
49. Marnie (1964)
50. Torn Curtain (1966)
51. Topaz (1969)
52. Frenzy (1972)
53. Family Plot (1976)

Misc. Shorts

54. Number 13 (1922) (aka "Mrs. Peabody") (?20m) [LOST]
---> Film abandonded w/ only 2 reels completed
55. Always Tell Your Wife (1923) (?20m) [PARTLY LOST]
---> Uncredited Co-Director
---> Only 1 of 2 reels is known to survive
56. Sound Test For Blackmail (1929)  (1m)
---> Sound Test
57. Elstree Calling (1930)  (??m)
---> Directed 19 Mini-Shorts Connecting....
---> ...19 Comedy Sketches by others
58. An Elastic Affair (1930) (10m) [PROBABLY LOST]

War Propoganda (Link to Article)

59. Aventure Malgache (1944)  (30m)
60. Bon Voyage (1944)  (26m)
61. The Fighting Generation (1944)  (2m)
---> Uncredited Director
---> Film hidden away since WWII...
---> Academy Film Archive in LA
---> Link to Detailed Article
---> Link to You Tube Video
62. Watchtower Over Tomorrow (1945)  (15m)
---> 1 of 4 Uncredited Directors
---> Dumbarton Oaks plan...
---> ...& formation of the United Nations
---> Link to Video
---> ...(Indiana University Media Collections Online)

TV Shows & Episodes [not checkable]

63. "Suspicion" (1957-58) (TV Series)
---> "Four O'Clock" (1957) (TV Episode) (60m)
---> Hitchcock directed 1 episode
64. "Startime" (1959-60) (TV Series)
---> "Incident at a Corner" (1960) (TV Episode) (60m)
---> Hitchcock directed 1 episode
65. "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" (1955-62) (TV Series)
---> Hitchcock directed 17 of 270 episodes (25m each)
66. "The Alfred Hitchcock Hour" (1962-65) (TV Series)
---> Hitchcock directed 1 of 93 episodes (50m each)

=================================== (06) ====================================


(b. 1899) ((1930-1981)) (d. 1983 @ 83y)


1. Grumpy (1930)  (CO-DIRECTOR w/ Cyril Gardner)
2. Virtuous Sin (1930)  (CO-DIRECTOR w/ Louis J. Gasnier)
3. The Royal Family of Broadway (1930)  (CO-DIRECTOR w/ Cyril Gardner)
4. Tarnished Lady (1931)
5. Girls About Town (1931)
6. What Price Hollywood? (1932)
7. A Bill of Divorcement (1932)
8. Rockabye (1932)  (+ uncredited director George Fitzmaurice)
9. Our Betters (1933)
10. Dinner At Eight (1933)
11. Little Women (1933)
12. David Copperfield (1935)
13. Sylvia Scarlett (1935)
14. Romeo and Juliet (1936)
15. Camille (1936)
16. Holiday (1938)
17. Zaza (1939)
18. The Women (1939)
19. Susan and God (1940)
20. The Philadelphia Story (1940)
21. A Woman's Face (1941)
22. Two-Faced Woman (1941)
23. Her Cardboard Lover (1942)
24. Keeper of the Flame (1942)
25. Gaslight (1944)
26. Winged Victory (1944)
27. A Double Life (1947)
28. Edward, My Son (1949)
29. Adam's Rib (1949)
30. A Life of Her Own (1950)
31. Born Yesterday (1950)
32. The Model and the Marriage Broker (1951)
33. The Marrying Kind (1952)
34. Pat and Mike (1952)
35. The Actress (1953)
36. It Should Happen To You (1954)
37. A Star Is Born (1954)
38. Bhowani Junction (1956)
39. Les Girls (1957)
40. Wild Is the Wind (1957)
41. Heller In Pink Tights (1960)
42. Let's Make Love (1960)
43. The Chapman Report (1962)
44. My Fair Lady (1964)
45. Justine (1969)  (+ uncredited director Joseph Strick)
46. Travels With My Aunt (1972)
47. Love Among the Ruins (1975)  (TV Movie)
48. The Blue Bird (1976)
49. The Corn Is Green (1979)  (TV Movie)
50. Rich and Famous (1981)

Uncompleted Feature

51. Something's Got To Give (1962)  (37m)
---> Unfinished film / Abandoned after Marilyn Monroe's death
---> Completed footage assembled into 37 min film fragment
---> Included within Documentary...
---> Marilyn Monroe: The Final Days (2001)

Misc. Shorts

52. Resistance and Ohm's Law (1943)  (??m)
---> Documentary Short

George Cukor's Partial Directing Credits


George Cukor was an uncredited director on a number of other feature films. He was fired from some after starting as director, and he came in and helped to complete others while in progress. He also just assisted other directors in an uncredited capacity. The films which he is known to have assisted in directing in some part are:


53. One Hour With You (1932)  - [UNCREDITED] George Cukor "assisted" (credited director) Ernst Lubitsch by directing first 2 weeks of filming, and remained on set with Lubitsch afterward.
54. The Animal Kingdom (1932)  - [UNCREDITED] George Cukor directed additional scenes after (credited director) Edward H. Griffith left the picture.
55. Manhattan Melodrama (1934)  - [UNCREDITED] George Cukor was assigned as director for additional scenes after the preview, because credited director W.S. Van Dyke had already started on his next movie.
56. No More Ladies (1935)  - [UNCREDITED] George Cukor took over as director when (credited director) Edward H. Griffith fell ill, but refused an onscreen co-director credit.
57. I Met My Love Again (1938)  - [UNCREDITED] George Cukor was uncredited director, with Joshua Logan and Arthur Ripley receiving co-director credits.
58. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1938)  - [UNCREDITED] George Cukor and William A. Wellman directed some scenes without receiving on-screen credit (credited director = Norman Taurog).
59. The Wizard of Oz (1939)  - [UNCREDITED] George Cukor was 1 of 5 directors, but did not actually shoot any scenes, merely acting as something of a "creative advisor" to the troubled production.
60. Gone With the Wind (1939)  - [UNCREDITED] Initial director George Cukor was fired over his problems with the screenplay and constant alterations, and few of his scenes survived.
61. I'll Be Seeing You (1944)  - [UNCREDITED] Initial director George Cukor was replaced by (credited director) William Dieterle.
62. Desire Me (1947)  - [UNCREDITED] George Cukor was 1st of 4 directors (all uncredited).
63. Lust For Life (1956)  - [UNCREDITED] George Cukor took (credited director) Vincent Minnelli's place as director for 1 scene.
64. Hot Spell (1958)  - [UNCREDITED] George Cukor was uncredited director, with Daniel Mann receiving director credit.
65. Song Without End (1960)  - [UNCREDITED] Initial director George Cukor was replaced by (credited director) Charles Vidor.

=================================== (07) ====================================


(b. 1897) (1922(1926-1961)1964)) (d. 1991 @ 94y)



1. The Strong Man (1926)
2. Long Pants (1927)
3. For the Love of Mike (1927) [# LOST]
4. That Certain Thing (1928)
5. So This Is Love? (1928)
6. The Matinee Idol (1928)
7. The Way of the Strong (1928)
8. Say It with Sables (1928) [# LOST]
9. Submarine (1928)
10. The Power of the Press (1928)


11. The Younger Generation (1929)  (part silent)
12. The Donovan Affair (1929) [# LOCKED AWAY]
13. Flight (1929)
14. Ladies of Leisure (1930)
15. Rain Or Shine (1930)
16. Dirigible (1931)
17. The Miracle Woman (1931)
18. Platinum Blonde (1931)
19. Forbidden (1932)
20. American Madness (1932)
21. The Bitter Tea of General Yen (1933)
22. Lady For a Day (1933)
23. It Happened One Night (1934)


24. Broadway Bill (1934)
25. Mr. Deeds Goes To Town (1936)
26. Lost Horizon (1937)
27. You Can't Take It With You (1938)
28. Mr. Smith Goes To Washington (1939)
29. Meet John Doe (1941)
30. Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)
31. It's a Wonderful Life (1946)
32. State of the Union (1948)
33. Riding High (1950)
34. Here Comes the Groom (1951)
35. A Hole In the Head (1959)
36. Pocketful of Miracles (1961)

Theatrical Narrative Shorts

37. The Ballad of Fisher's Boarding House (1922)  (12m)
38. The Burglar (1928)  (??m)

Educational Documentary Films

39. Bell Labs 1:  Our Mr. Sun (1956)  (??m)
40. Bell Labs 2:  Hemo the Magnificent (1957)  (60m)
41. Bell Labs 3:  The Strange Case of the Cosmic Rays (1957)  (??m)
42. Bell Labs 4:  The Unchained Goddess (1958)  (??m)
43. Rendezvous In Space (1964)  (19m)
---> Futuristic documentary for Martin Marietta Corporation
---> Re: America's plans for a space station & space shuttles

"Why We Fight" Documentaries (TOTAL 370m)

44. Why We Fight, 1: Prelude To War (1943)  (53m)
45. Why We Fight, 2: The Nazis Strike (1943)  (41m)
46. Why We Fight, 3: Divide and Conquer (1943)  (57m)
47. Why We Fight, 4: The Battle of Britain (1943)  (54m)
48. Why We Fight, 5: The Battle of Russia (1943)  (83m)
49. Why We Fight, 6: The Battle of China (1944)  (65m)
50. Why We Fight, 7: War Comes To America (1945)  (70m)

More War Propoganda Documentaries

51. Tunisian Victory (1944)  (75m)
52. Know Your Enemy: Japan (1945)  (63m)
53. Two Down and One To Go (1945)  (63m)
54. Your Job In Germany (1945)  (13m)
#=lost/locked away = 3 Films are apparently LOST or LOCKED AWAY in film vaults.
........3. For the Love of Mike (1927) ---> only 48 IMDb votes, 0 user reviews, 0 critic reviews, & 1 "I Check Movies" checks
........8. Say It With Sables (1928) ---> only 26 IMDb votes, 0 user reviews, 0 critic reviews, & 0 "I Check Movies" checks
......12. The Donovan Affair (1929) ---> only 48 IMDb votes, 2 user reviews, 4 critic reviews, & 3 "I Check Movies" checks
---------------> Library of Congress has a silent print but not the corresponding soundtrack on discs - thus dialogue is lost.

=================================== (08) ====================================


(b. 1906) (1929(1934-1981)) (d. 2002 @ 95y)


Paris era (1933-34)

1. Mauvaise Graine (1934)  (Co-Director)(French)

Hollywood era (1934-2002)

2. The Major and the Minor (1942)
3. Five Graves To Cairo (1943)
4. Double Indemnity (1944)
5. The Lost Weekend (1945)
6. The Emperor Waltz (1948)
7. A Foreign Affair (1948)
8. Sunset Boulevard (1950)
9. Ace In the Hole (1951)
10. Stalag 17 (1953)
11. Sabrina (1954)
12. The Seven Year Itch (1955)
13. The Spirit of St. Louis (1957)
14. Love In the Afternoon (1957)
15. Witness For the Prosecution (1957)
16. Some Like It Hot (1959)
17. The Apartment (1960)
18. One, Two, Three (1961)
19. Irma La Douce (1963)
20. Kiss Me, Stupid (1964)
21. The Fortune Cookie (1966)
22. The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes (1970)
23. Avanti! (1972)
24. The Front Page (1974)
25. Fedora (1978)
26. Buddy Buddy (1981)

Documentary Short

27. Death Mills (1945)  (30m)
---> Very 1st Documentation of...
---> ...Nazi Concentration Camps

Billy Wilder's Additional Screenplay & Writing Credits


Billy Wilder initially gained fame in Hollywood as a brilliant screenwriter. When given the chance to direct based on his success as a screenwriter, he also gained Hollywood fame as a brilliant director based largely on the continued strength of his screenplays. The following are additional films which Billy received a writing credit, but not a directing credit.


German era (1929-33)

28. Hell of a Reporter (1929)  (German)
29. People On Sunday (1930)  (German)
30. Der Kampf mit dem Drachen oder: Die Tragodie des Untermieters (1930)  (German)
---> 14 min Short
31. Ein Burschenlied aus Heidelberg (1930)  (German)
32. Der Mann, der seinen Morder sucht (1931)  (German)
33. Her Grace Commands (1931)  (German)
Adorable (1933)  (English)**
34. Seitensprunge (1931)  (German)
The Wrong Husband (1931)  (English)**
35. Emil und die Detektive (1931)  (German)
Emil and the Detectives (1935)  (English)**
36. A Blonde's Dream (1932)  (German)
A Blonde Dream (1932)  (English)**
37. Once There Was a Waltz (1932)  (German)
Where Is This Lady? (1932)  (English)**
38. Ein Madel der Strasse (1932)  (German)
39. The Winner (1932)  (German)
40. The Blue From the Sky (1932)  (German)
41. Madame Wants No Children (1933)  (German)
42. Was Frauen traumen (1933)  (German)
One Exciting Adventure (1934)  (English)**

Paris era (1933-34)

---> Only writing credit was "Mauvaise Graine" (1934)


Hollywood era (1934-2002)

43. Music In the Air (1934)
44. Under Pressure (1935)
45. The Lottery Lover (1935)
46. Champagne Waltz (1937)
47. Bluebeard's Eighth Wife (1938)
48. That Certain Age (1938)
49. Midnight (1939)
50. Ninotchka (1939)
51. What a Life (1939)
52. Rhythm On the River (1940)
53. Arise, My Love (1940)
54. Hold Back the Dawn (1941)
55. Ball of Fire (1941)
56. The Bishop's Wife (1947)
57. A Song Is Born (1948)
58. Ocean's Eleven (1960)
59. Casino Royale (1967)

** = Many of the German films Wilder made in Germany had alternative French &/or English language versions produced in Germany at or about the same time. Others were simply remade in the UK or USA in English. Alternative French versions are not included, but alternate English versions are. German, French and English Languages are noted for those films produced during Wilder's German and Paris eras.

=================================== (09) ====================================


(b. 1904) (1930(1933-1970)) (d. 1975 @ 70y)


1. The Cohens and Kellys In Trouble (1933) [# LOST/LOCKED AWAY]
2. Bachelor Bait (1934)
3. Kentucky Kernels (1934)
4. Laddie (1935) [# LOST/LOCKED AWAY]
5. The Nitwits (1935)
6. Alice Adams (1935)
7. Annie Oakley (1935)
8. Swing Time (1936)
9. Quality Street (1937)
10. A Damsel In Distress (1937)
11. Vivacious Lady (1938)
12. Gunga Din (1939)
13. Vigil In the Night (1940)
14. Penny Serenade (1941)
15. Woman of the Year (1942)
16. The Talk of the Town (1942)
17. The More the Merrier (1943)
18. I Remember Mama (1948)
19. A Place In the Sun (1951)
20. Something To Live For (1952)
21. Shane (1953)
22. Giant (1956)
23. The Diary of Anne Frank (1959)
24. The Greatest Story Ever Told (1965)
25. The Only Game In Town (1970)
26. George Stevens' World War II Footage: That Justice Be Done (1945)
#=lost/locked away = 2 Films are apparently LOST or LOCKED AWAY in film vaults & are assumed to be impossible to watch.
........1. The Cohens and Kellys In Trouble (1933) ---> only 7 IMDb votes, 0 user reviews, 0 critic reviews, & 0 "I Check Movies" checks
........4. Laddie (1935) ---> only 6 IMDb votes, 0 user reviews, 1 critic review from 1935, & 0 "I Check Movies" checks


=================================== (10) ====================================


(b. 1898) (1930(1940-1955)) (d. 1959 @ 60y)


1. The Great McGinty (1940)
2. Christmas In July (1940)
3. The Lady Eve (1941)
4. Sullivan's Travels (1941)
5. The Palm Beach Story (1942)
6. The Miracle of Morgan's Creek (1944)
7. Hail the Conquering Hero (1944)
8. The Great Moment (1944)
9. The Sin of Harold Diddlebock (1947)
10. Unfaithfully Yours (1948)
11. The Beautiful Blonde From Bashful Bend (1949)
12. The French, They Are a Funny Race (1955)

Preston Sturges' Additional Screenplay & Writing Credits


Preston Sturges initially gained fame in Hollywood as a brilliant screenwriter. When given the chance to direct based on his success as a screenwriter, he also gained Hollywood fame as a brilliant director based largely on the continued strength of his screenplays. The following are additional films which Preston received a writing credit, but not a directing credit.


13. The Big Pond (1930)
14. La Grande Mare (1930)
15. Fast and Loose (1930)
16. Strictly Dishonorable (1931)
17. They Just Had To Get Married (1932)
18. Child of Manhattan (1933)
19. The Power and the Glory (1933)
20. The Invisible Man (1933)
21. Twentieth Century (1934)
22. Thirty Day Princess (1934)
23. We Live Again (1934)
24. Imitation of Life (1934)
25. The Good Fairy (1935)
26. Diamond Jim (1935)
27. Next Time We Love (1936)
28. Love Before Breakfast (1936)
29. Hotel Haywire (1937)
30. Easy Living (1937)
31. College Swing (1938)
32. Port of Seven Seas (1938)
33. If I Were King (1938)
34. Never Say Die (1939)
35. Remember the Night (1940)
36. Broadway Melody of 1940 (1940)
37. New York Town (1941)
38. Vendetta (1950)

Documentary Short (writing credit only)

39. Safeguarding Military Information (1942)  (19m)

=================================== (11) ====================================


(b. 1909) (1937(1945-1976)1993) (d. 2003 @ 94y)


1. A Tree Grows In Brooklyn (1945)
2. The Sea of Grass (1947)
3. Boomerang! (1947)
4. Gentleman's Agreement (1947)
5. Pinky (1949)
6. Panic In the Streets (1950)
7. A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)
8. Viva Zapata! (1952)
9. Man On a Tightrope (1953)
10. On the Waterfront (1954)
11. East of Eden (1955)
12. Baby Doll (1956)
13. A Face In the Crowd (1957)
14. Wild River (1960)
15. Splendor In the Grass (1961)
16. America, America (1963)
17. The Arrangement (1969)
18. The Visitors (1972)
19. The Last Tycoon (1976)

Misc. Shorts

20. The People of the Cumberland (1937)  (18m)
---> Documentary about coal mining in Tennessee area
---> Issues: Economic/Environmental impacts, Unionizing
21. Watchtower Over Tomorrow (1945)  (15m)
---> 1 of 4 Uncredited Directors
---> Dumbarton Oaks plan...
---> ...& formation of the United Nations

=================================== (12) ====================================


(b. 1918) (1944(1946-1982)2003)) (d. 2007 @ 89y)




=================================== (13) ====================================


(b. 1907) (1932(1949-1971)1974) (d. 1982 @ 75y)


Theatrical Narrative Features

1. Jour De Fete (1949)
2. Mr. Hulot's Holiday (1953)
3. Mon Oncle (1958)
4. Playtime (1967)
5. Trafic (1971)

TV Movie Special

7. Parade (1974)
---> Filmed circus performance w/ Tati as Ringmaster
---> Features Tati's mime acts & other performers

Tati Screenplay --> Animated Theatrical Narrative Feature

8. The Illusionist (2010)
---> Based on an unproduced Tati script
---> Main character is a version of Tati/Mr. Hulot

Misc. Shorts

9. On demande une brute (1934)  (aka "Brute Wanted") (23m)
---> Comedic Short
10. Gai dimanche (1935)  (aka "Fun Sunday") (33m)
---> Comedic Short
11. Soigne Ton Gauche (1936)  (aka "Keep Your Left Up") (13m)
---> Comedic Short
12. L'Ecoe Des Facteurs (1947)  (aka "School for Postmen") (16m)
---> Comedic Short
---> Many scenes used in "Jour de Fete"
13. Cours Du Soir (1967)  (aka "Evening Classes") (30m)
---> Comedic Short
14. Forza Bastia (2002)  (aka "Festive Island") (26m)
---> Completed by Sophie Tatischeff (Tati's daughter) after his death
---> Documents football game & surrounding festivities

Directed by Jacques Tati's daughter - Sophie Tatischeff

15. Degustation maison (1978)  (aka "House Specialty") (12m)
---> Directed by Jacques Tati's daughter - Sophie Tatischeff

=================================== (14) ====================================


(b. 1910) (1936(1943-1993)1998) (d. 1998 @ 88y)


1. Judo Saga (1943)
---> (aka "Sanshiro Sugata")
2. The Most Beautiful (1944)
3. The Men Who Tread On the Tiger's Tail (1945)
4. Judo Saga II (1945)
---> (aka "Sanshiro Sugata Part Two")
5. Asu O Tsukuru Hitobito (1946)
---> (aka "Those Who Make Tomorrow")
6. No Regrets For Our Youth (1946)
7. One Wonderful Sunday (1947)
8. Drunken Angel (1948)
9. The Quiet Duel (1949)
10. Stray Dog (1949)
11. Scandal (1950)
12. Rashomon (1950)
13. The Idiot (1951)
14. Ikiru (1952)
15. The Seven Samurai (1954)
16. I Live In Fear (1955)
17. Throne of Blood (1957)
18. The Lower Depths (1957)
19. The Hidden Fortress (1958)
20. The Bad Sleep Well (1960)
21. Yojimbo (1961)
22. Sanjuro (1962)
23. High and Low (1963)
24. Red Beard (1965)
25. Dodes'ka-den (1970)
26. Dersu Uzala (1975)
27. Kagemusha (1980)
28. Ran (1985)
29. Dreams (1990)
30. Rhapsody In August (1991)
31. Madadayo (1993)

Documentary Biography

"Great Performances" Kurosawa (TV Episode 2000)

=================================== (14) ====================================



(b. 1903) (()) (d. 1963 @ 60y)



1. Blade of Penitence (1927) [LOST]
2. Dreams of Youth (1928) [LOST]
3. Wife Lost (1928)[LOST]
4. Pumpkin (1928) [LOST]
5. Couple on the Move (1928)[LOST]
6. Physical Beauty (1928) [LOST]
7. Treasure Mountain (1929) [LOST]
8. Days of Youth (1929)
9. Fighting Friends (1929) [LOST] (only 14 min survives)
10. I Graduated, But... (1929) [LOST] (only 10 min survives)
11. The Life of an Office Worker (1929) [LOST]
12. That Night's Wife (1930)
13. Walk Cheerfully (1930)
14. Introduction to Marriage (1930) [LOST]
15. I Flunked But... (1930)
16. The Luck Which Touched the Leg (1930)
17. Young Miss (1930) [LOST]
18. The Lady and the Beard (1931)
19. Beauty's Sorrows (1931) [LOST]
20. Tokyo Chorus (1931)
21. Spring Comes From the Ladies (1932)
22. I Was Born, But... (1932)
23. Where Now Are the Dreams of Youth (1932)
24. Until the Day We Meet Again (1932) [LOST]
25. Woman of Tokyo (1933)
26. Dragnet Girl (1933)
27. Passing Fancy (1933)
28. A Mother Should Be Loved (1934)
29. A Story of Floating Weeds (1934)
30. An Innocent Maid (1935) [LOST]
31. An Inn In Tokyo (1935)
32. College Is a Nice Place (1936) [LOST]


33. The Only Son (1936)
34. What Did the Lady Forget? (1937)
35. Brothers and Sisters of the Toda Family (1941)
36. There Was a Father (1942)


37. Record of a Tenement Gentleman (1947)
38. A Hen In the Wind (1948)
39. Late Spring (1949)
40. The Munekata Sisters (1950)
41. Early Summer (1951)
42. Tea Over Rice (1952)
43. Tokyo Story (1953)
44. Early Spring (1956)
45. Tokyo Twilight (1957)


46. Equinox Flower (1958)
47. Good Morning (1959)
48. Floating Weeds (1959)
49. Late Autumn (1960)
50. The End of Summer (1961)
51. An Autumn Afternoon (1962)


1. Days of Youth (1929)
2. That Night's Wife (1930)
3. Walk Cheerfully (1930)
4. I Flunked But... (1930)
5. The Luck Which Touched the Leg (1930)
6. The Lady and the Beard (1931)
7. Tokyo Chorus (1931)
8. Spring Comes From the Ladies (1932)
9. I Was Born, But... (1932)
10. Where Now Are the Dreams of Youth (1932)
11. Woman of Tokyo (1933)
12. Dragnet Girl (1933)
13. Passing Fancy (1933)
14. A Mother Should Be Loved (1934)
15. A Story of Floating Weeds (1934)
16. An Inn In Tokyo (1935)


17. The Only Son (1936)
18. What Did the Lady Forget? (1937)
19. Brothers and Sisters of the Toda Family (1941)
20. There Was a Father (1942)


21. Record of a Tenement Gentleman (1947)
22. A Hen In the Wind (1948)
23. Late Spring (1949)
24. The Munekata Sisters (1950)
25. Early Summer (1951)
26. Tea Over Rice (1952)
27. Tokyo Story (1953)
28. Early Spring (1956)
29. Tokyo Twilight (1957)


30. Equinox Flower (1958)
31. Good Morning (1959)
32. Floating Weeds (1959)
33. Late Autumn (1960)
34. The End of Summer (1961)
35. An Autumn Afternoon (1962)


36. Fighting Friends: Japanese Style (1929)
37. I Graduated But... (1929)


38. A Straightforward Boy (1929)
39. The Revengeful Spirit of Eros (1930)
40. Kagamijishi (1936)

=================================== (15) ====================================


(b. 1921) ((1955-1991)) (d. 1992 @ 70y)


The Apu Trilogy (1955-59)

1. Pather Panchali (1955)
2. Aparajito (1956)
3. The World of Apu (1959)

Misc. Selected Films

4. The Music Room (1958)  (Eberts Great Movies)
5. Charulata (1964)  (IMDb Decades)
6. The Goddess (1960)  (No List)
7. Mahanagar (1963)  (No List)


=================================== (16) ====================================


(b. 1932) (1956(1962-1986)) (d. 1986 @ 54y)


Theatrical Narrative Features

1. Ivan's Childhood (1962)  (aka "Ivanovo Detstvo")
2. Andrei Rublev (1966)  (aka "Andrey Rublyov")
3. Solaris (1972)  (aka "Solyaris")
4. The Mirror (1975)  (aka "Zerkalo")
5. Stalker (1979)
6. Nostalghia (1983)  (aka "Nostalgia")
7. The Sacrifice (1986)  (aka "Offret")

Narrative "Student Films" 1 (19m Short)

8. The Killers (1958)  (aka "Ubiytsy") (19m)

Narrative "Student Films" 2 & 3 (45m/46m Features)

9. Segodnya Uvolneniya Ne Budet (1959)  (aka "There Will Be No Leave Today") (45m)
10. Katok I Skripka (1961)  (aka "The Steamroller and the Violin") (46m)

TV Documentary

11. Tempo Di Viaggio (1983)  (aka "Voyage in Time") (62m)
---> About Tarkovsky's travels in Italy preparing "Nostalghia"

=================================== (17) ====================================


(b. 1941) (1966(1976-1994)) (d. 1996 @ 54y)


ALL FILMS (1966-1974)

1. [NShort]  The Tram (1966)  (5m)
2. [NShort]  The Office (1966)  (5m)
3. [NShort]  Concert of Wishes (1967)  (16m)
4. [--DOC]  Zdjecie (1968)  (32m)
---> (aka "The Photograph")
5. [--DOC]  Z miasta Lodzi (1968)  (18m)
---> (aka "From the City of Lodz")
6. [--DOC]  Przed rajdem (1971)  (16m)
---> (aka "Before the Rally")
7. [--DOC]  Robotnicy 1971 - Nic o nas bez nas (1971)  (47m)
---> (aka "Workers '71: Nothing About Us Without Us")
8. [--DOC]  Bylem zolnierzem (1971)  (16m)
---> (aka "I Was a Soldier")
9. [--DOC]  Factory (1971)  (17m)
10. [--DOC]  Miedzy Wroclawiem a Zielona Gora (1972)  (11m)
---> (aka "Between Wroclaw and Zielona Gora")
11. [--DOC]  Podstawy BHP w kopalni miedzi (1972)  (21m)
---> (aka "The Principles of Safety & Hygiene in a Copper Mine")
12. [--DOC]  Refren (1972)  (11m)
---> (aka "Refrain")
13. [--DOC]  Murarz (1973)  (18m)
---> (aka "The Bricklayer")
14. [--DOC]  Przeswietlenie (1974)  (13m)
---> (aka "X-Ray")
15. [NShort]  Przejscie podziemne (1974)  (28m)
---> (aka "Pedestrian Subway")
16. [--DOC]  Pierwsza milosc (1974)  (52m)
---> (aka "First Love")

ALL FILMS (1975-1994)

17. [NShort]  Life Story (1975)  (46m)
---> (aka "Curriculum Vitae")
18. [--DOC]  Slate (1976)  (6m)
19. [NF-TV]  Personnel (1976)
20. [NF-TH]  The Scar (1976)
21. [--DOC]  Nie wiem (1977)  (47m)
---> (aka "I Don't Know")
22. [--DOC]  Hospital (1977)  (22m)
23. [--DOC]  From a Night Porter's Point of View (1979)  (17m)
24. [--DOC]  Seven Women of Different Ages (1979)  (16m)
---> (aka "Seven Women of Different Ages")
25. [NF-TH]  Camera Buff (1979)
26. [--DOC]  Railway Station (1980)  (14m)
27. [--DOC]  Talking Heads (1980)  (16m)
---> (aka "Talking Heads")
28. [NF-TV]  Spokoj (1980)
---> (aka "The Calm" / "Peace")
29. [NF-TH]  Blind Chance (1987)
30. [NF-TV]  Short Working Day (1981)
31. [NF-TH]  No End (1985)
32. [--DOC]  Siedem dni w tygodniu (1988)  (18m)
---> (aka "Seven Days a Week") (see note #1)
33. [NF-TH]  A Short Film About Killing (1988)
34. [NF-TH]  A Short Film About Love (1988)
35. [NF-MS]  The Decalogue: Season 1 (1989)
36. [NF-TH]  The Double Life of Veronique (1991)
37. [NF-TH]  Blue (1993)
38. [NF-TH]  White (1994)
39. [NF-TH]  Red (1994)


1. Personnel (1976)  (TV Movie)
2. The Scar (1976)
3. Camera Buff (1979)
4. Spokoj (1980)  (TV Movie)
---> (aka "The Calm" / "Peace")
5. Blind Chance (1987)
6. Short Working Day (1981)  (TV Movie)
7. No End (1985)

Dekalog Films (1988-89)

8. A Short Film About Killing (1988)
---> (see note #2)
9. A Short Film About Love (1988)
---> (see note #2)
10. The Decalogue: Season 1 (1989)  (TV Mini-Series)
---> (aka "Dekalog")
11. The Double Life of Veronique (1991)

Three Colors Trilogy (1993-94)

12. Blue (1993)
13. White (1994)
14. Red (1994)

NOTE #1 = The 18 minute Documentary Short "Seven Days a Week" (aka "Siedem dni w tygodniu") was included in the theatrically released feature length film titled City Life (1990), an internationally produced anthology documentary which included 14 different documentary shorts by 14 different international directors.


NOTE #2 = "A Short Film About Killing" and "A Short Film About Love" were expanded theatrically released feature length versions of film #5 and film #6 of "The Decalogue" Mini-Series using the same cast with only slight changes to the stories. Since the high budget mini-series was intended for a domestic Polish TV which would yield only minor advertising revenue, the producers added these exapanded versions to Kieslowski's contractual obligation for "The Decalogue" recognizing these feature films would be easier to distribute outside Poland, and profits from those films would help to ensure the overall project would be profitable.


NOTE #3 = Krzysztof Kieslowski's began his film career primarily as a documentarian, but politics forced him to slowly transition his filmmaking techniques to more narrative films. His early documentaries focused on the everyday lives of city dwellers, workers, and soldiers. Though he was not an overtly political filmmaker, he soon found that attempting to depict Polish life accurately brought him into conflict with the authorities. These problems included heavy censorship, criticism from colleagues believing he was cooperating with the government, and an incident in which some of his footage was nearly used as evidence in a criminal case. For these reasons, he decided that fiction not only allowed more artistic freedom, but could portray everyday life more truthfully. (source: Kieslowski's Wikipedia entry).


NOTE #4 = Because Kieslowski's filmography began with documentaries but slowly evolved into narrative films for political reasons, many films straddle the lines between documentary and narrative films. Additionally, his films are not always easy to disaggregate into those which were released theatrically vs. those which were TV films. And finally, the length of the films do not easily separate into shorts and feature length. For these reasons, his films are listed chronologically by date of release (per IMDb) with text prepending the movie title designating the type of film.


A key to the abbreviations prepending the movie titles follows:


LEGEND ---> [NF-TH] = Narrative Feature (Theatrically Released)

LEGEND ---> [NF-TV] = Narrative Feature (TV Movie)

LEGEND ---> [NF-MS] = Narrative Feature (TV Mini-Series)

LEGEND ---> [--DOC] = Documentary (Features & Shorts)

LEGEND ---> [NShort] = Narrative Short

=================================== (XX) ====================================


(b.____) (____(____-____)____) (d.____ @ __y)


1. Period of Adjustment (1962)
2. Toys In the Attic (1963)
3. The World of Henry Orient (1964)
4. Hawaii (1966)
5. Thoroughly Modern Millie (1967)
6. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)
7. Slaughterhouse-Five (1972)
8. The Sting (1973)
9. The Great Waldo Pepper (1975)
10. Slap Shot (1977)
11. A Little Romance (1979)
12. The World According To Garp (1982)
13. The Little Drummer Girl (1984)
14. Funny Farm (1988)

=================================== (AA) ====================================


(b.____) (____(____-____)____) (d.____ @ __y)


Silent Pictures

1. Wo ist mein Schatz? (1916)
2. Schuhpalast Pinkus (1916)
3. When Four Do the Same (1917)
4. The Merry Jail (1917)
5. I Don't Want To Be a Man (1918)
6. The Eyes of the Mummy (1918)
7. Carmen (1918)
8. Meyer aus Berlin (1919)
9. The Oyster Princess (1919)
10. Madame DuBarry (1919)
11. The Doll (1919)
12. Kohlhiesel's Daughters (1920)
13. Romeo und Julia im Schnee (1920)
14. Sumurun (1920)
15. Anna Boleyn (1920)
16. Die Bergkatze (1921)
17. The Wife of the Pharaoh (1922)
18. Rosita (1923)
19. The Marriage Circle (1924)
20. Three Women (1924)
21. Forbidden Paradise (1924)
22. Lady Windermere's Fan (1925)
23. So This Is Paris (1926)
24. The Student Prince In Old Heidelberg (1927)

Sound Pictures

25. Eternal Love (1929)
26. The Love Parade (1929)
27. The Vagabond King (1930)
28. Paramount On Parade (1930)
29. Monte Carlo (1930)
30. The Smiling Lieutenant (1931)
31. Broken Lullaby (1932)
32. One Hour With You (1932)
33. Trouble In Paradise (1932)
34. If I Had a Million (1932)
35. Design For Living (1933)
36. The Merry Widow (1934)
37. Angel (1937)
38. Bluebeard's Eighth Wife (1938)
39. Ninotchka (1939)
40. The Shop Around the Corner (1940)
41. That Uncertain Feeling (1941)
42. To Be Or Not To Be (1942)
43. Heaven Can Wait (1943)
44. A Royal Scandal (1945)
45. Cluny Brown (1946)
46. That Lady In Ermine (1948)

=================================== (99) ====================================


(b.____) (____(____-____)____) (d.____ @ __y)


=================================== (AA) ====================================



Below is a list of other HISTORICAL Directors/Filmmakers which I am not officially citing as "Favorites", but who have directed (& perhaps screenwritten) favorite films of mine, are directors/filmmakers I remain very curious about, and whose films I plan to continue seeking out and watching. These directors/filmmakers are right at the threshold of being "Favorites", and might become one after watching just another film or two which I find I love.


1. Ernst Lubitsch (1892-1947)
2. Richard Attenborough (1923-2014)
3. Howard Hawks (1896-1977)
4. Leo McCarey (1896-1969)
5. Robert Mulligan (1925-2008)

Here are others HISTORICAL Directors/Filmmakers which have made films I enjoyed. While not technically being on the threshold of being Favorites of mine, they have either made films I enjoyed, or are so historically significant that it would be foolish to dismiss them too casually. I am reserving judgement until I see more films of theirs, although I won't necessarily be actively seeking out titles of theirs to watch, but rather will simply note their directing/screenwriting credits as I continue to watch great films as included on great films lists.


6. Claude Berri (1934-2009)
7. Robert Bresson (1901-1999)
8. Clarence Brown (1890-1987)
9. Ted Demme (1963-2002)
10. Vittorio De Sica (1901-1974)
11. Federico Fellini (1920-1993)
12. John Ford (1894-1973)
13. George Roy Hill (1921-2002)
14. John Huston (1906-1987)
15. Stanley Kramer (1913-2001)
16. Stanley Kubrick (1928-1999)
17. David Lean (1908-1991)
18. Sidney Lumet (1924-2011)
19. Joseph L. Mankiewicz (1909-1993)
20. Yasujiro Ozu (1903-1963)
21. Sydney Pollack (1934-2008)
22. Jean Renoir (1894-1979)
23. John Sturges (1910-1992)
24. Francois Truffaut (1932-1984)
25. King Vidor (1894-1982)
26. William Wyler (1902-1981)










27. (01) = (08) (6.50) = (13 of 13) = CHARLES CHAPLIN - (link) - (am continuing to watch shorts)
28. (02) = (12) (6.25) = (12 of 12) = BUSTER KEATON - (link) - (seen EVERY silent feature film & short starring &/or directed by Keaton - all from 1920's) (still watching pre-1920 Fatty Arbuckle shorts (co-star) & lesser iconic post-1930 talkies)
29. (03) = (14) (6.13) = (15 of 32) = D.W. Griffith (18 to go) - (excludes 3 lost films)
30. (04) = (13) (6.22) = (09 of 09) = ERICH VON STROHEIM - (excludes 2 lost films)
31. (05) = (16) (5.55) = (53 of 53) = ALFRED HITCHCOCK - (excludes 1 lost film) (need to see 2 shorts w/ missing reels, & "Estree Calling" containing connecting bits by Hitchcock)
32. (06) = (15) (5.92) = (25 of 36) = Frank Capra (11 to go)
33. (07) = (10) (6.38) = (21 of 26) = Billy Wilder (5 to go)
34. (08) = (17) (5.53) = (36 of 49) = George Cukor (13 to go)
35. (09) = (11) (6.25) = (16 of 25) = George Stevens (10 to go)
36. (10) = (09) (6.50) = (12 of 12) = PRESTON STURGES - SEEN ALL
37. (11) = (07) (6.63) = (19 of 19) = ELIA KAZAN - SEEN ALL
38. (12) = (03) (7.33) = (15 of 68) = Ingmar Bergman - (link)
39. (13) = (05) (7.20) = (05 of 05) = JACQUES TATI - (need to see 1974 TV documentary "Parade" & three (3) 1930's comedic shorts)
40. (14) = (06) (6.90) = (10 of 00) = Akira Kurosawa
41. (15) = (01) (9.00) = (03 of 00) = Satyajit Ray
42. (16) = (04) (7.25) = (07 of 07) = ANDREI TARKOVSKY - (need to see 3 shorts made while film student & 1 TV Documentary)
43. (17) = (02) (8.80) = (05 of 00) = Krzysztof Kieslowski
44. ==================================================
45. (AA) APPENDIX - Other Directors
46. (BB) APPENDIX - Notes on Table of Contents & Filmographies

=================================== (BB) ====================================



Explanation of Table of Contents w/ Personal Cumulative Filmography Statistics

(Chronological Based List Order #) = (My Cumulative Filmography IMDb Rating RANK) (My Cumulative Filmography IMDb Rating) = (Films I've Seen of Total Films in Filmography) = Director Name (films left to see) - (additional notes)
Cumulative Filmography IMDb Rating Categories = 10 of 10 (10.00-9.50) / 9 of 10 (9.49-8.50) / 8 of 10 (8.49-7.50) / 7 of 10 (7.49-6.50) / 6 of 10 (6.49-5.50) / 5 of 10 (5.49-4.50) / 4 of 10 (4.49-3.50) / 3 of 10 (3.49-2.50) / 2 of 10 (2.49-1.50) / 1 of 10 (1.49-1.00)

Explanation of Director's Date Headers

(BORN) (began film career (YEARS DIRECTING THEATRICAL FEATURES) ended film career) (DIED)



By default, all Titles are Directing Credits of Theatrically Released Narrative Features except where headers (or notes) describe otherwise. Also, by default, directing credits might also include a writing or producing credit for the director, which are not necessarily specified.


(Please ignore editing notes below)



Bergman - TVvFeature

