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Below are the commands available in RinkChat. The documentation is self-explanatory except, perhaps, for the syntax of the "usage" fields. In a nutshell, anything outside of square brackets is required; anything inside square brackets is optional. For example, /me message indicates that the /me command requires a message to follow it, whereas /topic [message] indicates that the /topic command will accept one but does not require one. /kick name1 [, name2 [...]] indicates that at least one username must be supplied as an argument to the /kick command but that more names may be supplied as long as they are separated by commas. Also, for commands that accept IP addresses as arguments, you can substitute an asterisk for any of the second, third, and fourth octets as a wildcard. For example, /track 24.53.*.* finds all users with IP addresses that start with 24.53.

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Commands For Chatting

Usage: /act message
Example: /act Memos have been sent
Description: Perform the given action in the room in the passive voice; prints action by name.
See also: /me, /rose.

Usage: /away [name1 [, name2 [...]]]
Description: Indicate that you are temporarily away from the room.
Can use in main rooms: [admin] [owner]
Can use in user rooms: [mod] [op] [admin] [owner]
Can use on self all users
See also: /back.

Usage: /back [name1 [, name2 [...]]]
Description: Indicate that you have returned from being 'away.'
Can use in main rooms: [admin] [owner]
Can use in user rooms: [mod] [op] [admin] [owner]
Can use on self all users
See also: /away.

Usage: /hug message
Example: /hug everyone
Description: Give a virtual hug. Equivalent to "/me HUGS (message)!" except that the word "HUGS" appears in the default language for the site.
See also: /me, /rose.

Usage: /me message
Example: /me drinks a milkshake.
Description: Perform the given action in the room.
See also: /my, /act, /hug.

Usage: /memo name_or_#memolist1 [, name_or_#memolist2 [...]] message
Description: Send the given user(s) a memo.
See also: /memos, /broadcastmemo, /msg, /rmsg.

Usage: /memos
Description: Display a message that says how many new memos you have. (If you have no new memos, it will display how many total memos you have.) Also, print any memos you have that have expired.
See also: /memo.

Usage: /msg name1 [, name2 [...]] message
Description: Send the given user(s) a private message. This command is equivalent to using the drop down list next to the message input box, except that the /msg command allows you to send the same private message to multiple recipients.
See also: /rmsg, /memo.

Usage: /my message
Example: /my shoelaces are untied.
Description: Same as 'me' but appends 's to your name, to allow for actions that begin with a possessive.
See also: /me.

Usage: /rmsg name1 [, name2 [...]] message
Description: Send the given user(s) a private message, even if those users are not in the same room. Except that it works across rooms, this is just like the /msg command.
See also: /msg, /memo.

Usage: /rose message
Example: /rose Darleen
Description: Give someone a virtual rose. Equivalent to "/act (message) is given a :rose:" except that the words "is given a" appears in the default language for the site.
See also: /roses, /act, /hug.

Usage: /roses message
Example: /roses All of you
Description: Give people virtual roses. Equivalent to "/act (message) are each given a :rose:" except that the words "are each given a" appears in the default language for the site.
See also: /rose, /act, /hug.

User Information Commands

Usage: /ip [name1 [, name2 [...]]]
Description: Display the IP address and, if it can be determined, hostname that the given user(s) last logged in from or are currently logged in from. If no users are supplied, your own IP address is given.
Can use: [op] [admin] [owner]
Can use on self all users
See also: /track.

Usage: /last [name1 [, name2 [...]]]
Description: See when one or more user(s) last logged in.
See also: /profile.

Usage: /list [admin/ghosts/perm/users]
Description: If no argument is present, or 'users' is specified, list all registered users. If 'ghosts' is specified, list all ghost users. If 'perm' is specified, list all permanent users. If 'admin' is present, then owners, admins, and ops will be listed (not counting temporary admins and ops made by the /admin and /op commands). Depending on how permissions are set, you may be able to view some user lists available with this command and not others.
Can use: all users
Can list ghosts: [owner]
Can list permanent users: [owner]
Can list users: [op] [admin] [owner]
See also: /profile, /last.

Usage: /profile [name1 [, name2 [...]]]
Description: View the profile(s) of the given user(s). If no users are given, your own profile is displayed.
See also: /last.

Usage: /track [name_or_ip1 [, name_or_ip2 [...]]]
Description: List all users that last logged in with the given IP address(es), and/or those that last logged in with the same IP address as that used by the given user(s). If no arguments are given, your own IP address is tracked.
Can use: [op] [admin] [owner]
See also: /ip, /list.

Label Commands

Usage: /label [message]
Description: Apply the given label to yourself.
See also: /unlabel, /olabel, /slabel.

Usage: /olabel name1 [, name2 [...]] [message]
Description: Apply the given label to the given user(s).
Can use in main rooms: [admin] [owner]
Can use in user rooms: [mod] [op] [admin] [owner]
Can use on self all users
See also: /label, /unlabel, /slabel.

Usage: /slabel name1 [, name2 [...]] [message]
Description: Apply the given sticky label to the given user(s). Sticky labels may not be overridden except by administrative users, depending on how the permissions are set.
Can use: [owner]
See also: /olabel, /label, /unlabel.

Usage: /unlabel [name1 [, name2 [...]]]
Description: Remove the existing label for each of the given user(s). If no users are specified, your own label is removed.
Can use in main rooms: [admin] [owner]
Can use in user rooms: [mod] [op] [admin] [owner]
Can use on self all users
See also: /label, /olabel, /slabel.

Misc Commands

Usage: /alias [@alias [name_or_#memolist1 [, name_or_#memolist2 [...]]]]
Description: Create an alias to refer to one or more other users (or bots). If no names are specified, the given alias is deleted. If no arguments are given at all, then all of your aliases are listed.

Usage: /convert number C/K/F/mi/yd/ft/in/km/m/cm/gb/mb/kb/b/mph/kmh/lb/oz/st/kg/g
Example: /convert 32 F
Example: /convert 120 lb
Description: Convert units of measurement. Useful when chatting with those of other nationalities. The "unit" argument may be one of: "C" (Celsius), "K" (Kelvin), "F" (Fahrenheit), "mi" (miles), "yd" (yards), "ft" (feet), "in" (inches), "km" (kilometers), "m" (meters), "cm" (centimeters), "gb" (gigabytes), "mb" (megabytes), "kb" (kilobytes), "b" (bytes), "mph" (miles per hour), "kmh" (kilometers per hour), "lb" (pounds), "oz" (ounces), "st" (stone), "kg" (kilograms), "g" (grams).

Usage: /mac macro_name
Description: Execute a macro.
See also: /macros.

Usage: /macros
Description: List all macros and provide links to edit them.
See also: /mac.

Usage: /multi
Description: Change your input box to a multi-line text box for the next message. To change to a multi-line text box permanently, go to the Options page.
See also: /single.

Usage: /nobd message
Description: Posts the given message or command, just as if you had typed it without the /nobd command, except that it bypasses botched private message detection if that is enabled. Normally, it is not necessary to use this command.

Usage: /p message
Description: Posts the given message to the chat room. This command is useful if you want to post a message that begins with a slash and would therefore be interpreted as a command.

Usage: /purge
Description: Clear all system messages from your message buffer.

Usage: /roll [XdY or XdY+Z or XdY-Z (X = number of dice, Y = number of sides, Z = modifier)]
Example: /roll 3d4
Example: /roll 2d6+3
Example: /roll 1d20-4
Description: Given an argument in the form of XdY, roll X number of Y-sided dice. XdY+Z or XdY-Z indicates a modifier to the result. If no argument is supplied, 2d6 is assumed.
See also: /rollp.

Usage: /rollp [XdY or XdY+Z or XdY-Z (X = number of dice, Y = number of sides, Z = modifier)]
Example: /rollp 3d4
Example: /rollp 2d6+3
Example: /rollp 1d20-4
Description: Given an argument in the form of XdY, roll X number of Y-sided dice, without reporting the result publicly. XdY+Z or XdY-Z indicates a modifier to the result. If no argument is supplied, 2d6 is assumed.
See also: /roll.

Usage: /single
Description: Change your input box to a single-line text box for the next message. To change to a single line text box permanently, go to the Options page.
See also: /multi.

Room Management Commands

Usage: /allow name1 [, name2 [...]]
Description: Allow the given user(s) to the room. Same as /invite except that invitations are not sent.
Can use: [mod] [op] [admin] [owner]
See also: /disallow, /invite, /uninvite.

Usage: /autoquiet
Description: Set the room so that entering users are quieted. Administrative users will be able to unquiet selected users manually. This allows a moderated discussion to be conducted.
Can use: [mod] [op] [admin] [owner]
See also: /noautoquiet, /voice, /unvoice, /public, /private.

Usage: /disallow name1 [, name2 [...]]
Description: Revoke room invitations for the given user(s). Same as /uninvite.
Can use: [mod] [op] [admin] [owner]
See also: /allow, /invite, /uninvite.

Usage: /invite name1 [, name2 [...]]
Description: Invite the given user(s) to the room. If the user(s) are logged in elsewhere, an invitation notice will be displayed to them. Only invited users may enter private rooms, but users may be invited to any type of room.
Can use: [mod] [op] [admin] [owner]
See also: /uninvite, /allow, /disallow.

Usage: /modfirst
Description: Set the user room so only the first one to enter the empty room receive moderator status. This is the default behavior of user rooms.
Can use: [mod] [op] [admin] [owner]
See also: /modnone, /modvoiced, /modset.

Usage: /modnone
Description: Set the user room so no users receive moderator status upon entering.
Can use: [mod] [op] [admin] [owner]
See also: /modfirst, /modvoiced, /modset, /stopic.

Usage: /modset name1 [, name2 [...]]
Description: Set the user room so the specified users receive moderator status upon entering.
Can use: [mod] [op] [admin] [owner]
See also: /modfirst, /modnone, /modvoiced.

Usage: /modvoiced
Description: Set the user room so all voiced users receive moderator status upon entering.
Can use: [mod] [op] [admin] [owner]
See also: /modfirst, /modnone, /modset.

Usage: /noautoquiet
Description: Set the room so that users are no longer quieted upon entry.
Can use: [mod] [op] [admin] [owner]
See also: /autoquiet, /voice, /novoice.

Usage: /private
Description: Make the room private, so that it is visible and accessible only to invited users.
Can use: [mod] [op] [admin] [owner]
See also: /public, /autoquiet.

Usage: /public
Description: Make the room public, so that it is visible and accessible to all users (except those who are evicted from the room or banned altogether).
Can use: [mod] [op] [admin] [owner]
See also: /private, /autoquiet.

Usage: /stopic message
Description: Set the topic of the room to the given sticky topic. Sticky topics cannot be overridden except by those who have permission to apply them. When applied to a user room, the room will not disappear until the sticky topic is removed, even if all users vacate the room.
Can use: [owner]
See also: /topic.

Usage: /topic [message]
Description: Set the topic of the room to the given topic. If no topic is given, the topic of the room is removed.
Can use in main rooms: [mod] [op] [admin] [owner]
Can use in user rooms: [mod] [op] [admin] [owner]
See also: /stopic.

Usage: /uninvite name1 [, name2 [...]]
Description: Revoke room invitations for the given user(s). This command only makes sense to run in private rooms, where invitations are required for access.
Can use: [mod] [op] [admin] [owner]
See also: /invite, /allow, /disallow.

Usage: /unvoice [name1 [, name2 [...]]]
Description: In an auto-quiet room, specify that the given user(s) should no longer be exempt from being auto-quieted upon entering. If no users are specified, then the command takes effect for all users.
Can use: [mod] [op] [admin] [owner]
See also: /voice, /autoquiet, /noautoquiet.

Usage: /voice name1 [, name2 [...]]
Description: In an auto-quiet room, specify that the given user(s) should not be auto-quieted upon entering.
Can use: [mod] [op] [admin] [owner]
See also: /unvoice, /autoquiet, /noautoquiet.

Help Commands

Usage: /about
Description: Provide information about this chat program.
See also: /version, /help.

Usage: /help [command1 [, command2 [...]]]
Description: Supply help text for the given command(s). If no arguments are given, display a link to the help pages.
See also: /about, /version.

Usage: /version
Description: Provide the version number of the chat program.
See also: /about, /help.

Transcript Commands

Usage: /resume transcript_name
Description: Resume transcribing the transcript with the given name.
See also: /transcribe, /stop, /transcripts.

Usage: /stop [transcript_name]
Description: Stop transcribing the given transcript, or, if none is given, all transcribing you are doing in the room.
See also: /transcribe, /resume, /transcripts.

Usage: /transcribe transcript_name
Description: Start transcribing a transcript with the given name.
See also: /resume, /stop, /transcripts.

Usage: /transcripts
Description: View transcripts that you have previously transcribed or are currently transcribing.
See also: /transcribe, /resume, /stop.

Bot Commands

Usage: /b message
Description: Send a private message to all bots present in the room.

Usage: /botlinks [bot1 [, bot2 [...]]]
Description: Repost the start and clear links for the given bots. If no bots are specified, links for all bots you control are posted.
See also: /summon, /dismiss, /bots.

Usage: /bots
Description: List the bots installed on the system and available for summoning.
See also: /summon.

Usage: /dismiss [bot1 [, bot2 [...]]]
Description: Dismiss the given bot(s) from the room. If no bots are specified, all bots you control are dismissed.
See also: /summon, /disown, /swipe, /bots.

Usage: /disown [bot1 [, bot2 [...]]]
Description: Disown the given bot(s), allowing other users to swipe them. If no bots are specified, all bots you control are disowned.
See also: /summon, /dismiss, /swipe, /bots.

Usage: /summon bot1 [, bot2 [...]]
Description: Summon the given bot(s) to the room.
Can use: [mod] [op] [admin] [owner]
See also: /bots, /dismiss, /disown, /swipe, /botlinks.

Usage: /swipe bot1 [, bot2 [...]]
Description: Take control of the given bot(s). Depending on how the permissions are set, this may only be possible to do if the original owner of the bot(s) has left the room.
See also: /summon, /dismiss, /disown, /botlinks.

Memo List Commands

Usage: /delmemolist #memolist1 [, #memolist2 [...]]
Description: Delete a memo list from the system. This can always be done by the creator of the memo list. Depending on how the permissions are set, some administrative users may also be able to do this.
See also: /newmemolist, /editmemolist, /subscribe, /unsubscribe, /memolist, /memolists.

Usage: /editmemolist #memolist1 [, #memolist2 [...]]
Description: Change a memo list's type and/or description.
See also: /newmemolist, /delmemolist, /memolist, /memolists.

Usage: /memolist #memolist1 [, #memolist2 [...]]
Description: Get information about each of the given memo lists.
See also: /memolists, /editmemolist, /newmemolist, /delmemolist, /subscribe, /unsubscribe.

Usage: /memolists
Description: Display a link to a table of all memo lists.
See also: /memolist, /editmemolist, /newmemolist, /delmemolist, /subscribe, /unsubscribe.

Usage: /newmemolist #memolist public/open/moderated/restricted description
Description: Create a new memo list that other users may subscribe to. The list type may be 'public' (all users can send to it and view a subscriber list), 'open' (all users can send to it, but only the creator can get a subscriber list), 'moderated' (only the creator may send to it, but all users may get a subscriber list), or 'restricted' (only the creator may send to it and get a subscriber list).
See also: /delmemolist, /editmemolist, /subscribe, /unsubscribe, /memolist, /memolists.

Usage: /subscribe [#memolist1 [, #memolist2 [...]]]
Description: Subscribe to each of the given memo lists. If no memo lists are specified, lists all memo lists that you are subscribed to.
See also: /unsubscribe, /memolist, /memolists, /newmemolist, /delmemolist.

Usage: /unsubscribe #memolist1 [, #memolist2 [...]]
Description: Unsubscribe from each of the given memo lists.
See also: /subscribe, /memolist, /memolists, /newmemolist, /delmemolist.

Administrative Commands

Usage: /ban [name_or_ip1 [, name_or_ip2 [...]]]
Description: Ban the given nickname(s) and/or all users from the given IP address(es) from all chat rooms. If no arguments are supplied, list all banned usernames and IP addresses.
Can use: [op] [admin] [owner]
See also: /unban, /evict, /cban.

Usage: /cban [name_or_ip1 [, name_or_ip2 [...]]]
Description: Disallow the given username(s) from being registered and/or disallow registrations from the given IP address(es). If no arguments are supplied, list all cbanned usernames and IP addresses.
Can use: [op] [admin] [owner]
See also: /uncban, /ban.

Usage: /evict [name_or_ip1 [, name_or_ip2 [...]]]
Description: Banish the given nickname(s) and/or all users from the given IP address(es) from the room. If no arguments are supplied, list all evicted usernames and IP addresses.
Can use: [mod] [op] [admin] [owner]
See also: /unevict, /ban.

Usage: /kick name1 [, name2 [...]]
Description: Kick the given user(s) from the room.

Usage: /moron name1 [, name2 [...]]
Description: Make the given user(s) talk like morons. This command has a more profound impact on some users than others.
Can use: [admin] [owner]
See also: /unmoron, /possess.

Usage: /possess name1 [, name2 [...]]
Description: Take over a user, so that what the user says and does is not actually what the user typed. Possession applies to regular messages, actions (both /me and /act), labels, and broadcasts, but it does not affect private messages or memos.
Can use: [admin] [owner]
See also: /unpossess, /moron.

Usage: /quiet name1 [, name2 [...]]
Description: Disallow the given user(s) from speaking publicly in the room.
Can use: [mod] [op] [admin] [owner]
See also: /unquiet.

Usage: /shrink name1 [, name2 [...]]
Description: Shrink lines spoken by the given user(s).
Can use: [mod] [op] [admin] [owner]
See also: /unshrink.

Usage: /unban name_or_ip1 [, name_or_ip2 [...]]
Description: Unban the given user(s) and/or IP address(es).
Can use: [op] [admin] [owner]
See also: /ban.

Usage: /uncban name_or_ip1 [, name_or_ip2 [...]]
Description: Allow the given username(s) to be registered and/or registrations from the given IP address(es) again.
Can use: [op] [admin] [owner]
See also: /cban.

Usage: /unevict name_or_ip1 [, name_or_ip2 [...]]
Description: Allow the given user(s) and/or users with the given IP address(es) into the room again.
Can use: [mod] [op] [admin] [owner]
See also: /evict.

Usage: /unmoron name1 [, name2 [...]]
Description: Make the given user(s) talk intelligently again, or at least as intelligently as they can manage on their own.
Can use: [admin] [owner]
See also: /moron.

Usage: /unpossess name1 [, name2 [...]]
Description: Restore the given possessed user(s) to their normal selves.
Can use: [admin] [owner]
See also: /possess.

Usage: /unquiet name1 [, name2 [...]]
Description: Allow the given user(s) to speak in the room again.
Can use: [mod] [op] [admin] [owner]
See also: /quiet.

Usage: /unshrink name1 [, name2 [...]]
Description: Restore lines spoken by the given user(s) to the normal size.
Can use: [mod] [op] [admin] [owner]
See also: /shrink.

User Level Commands

Usage: /admin name1 [, name2 [...]]
Description: Grant admin status to user(s) in the room for as long as they remain in the room or until it is revoked.
Can use: [owner]
See also: /deadmin, /mod, /op, /userlevel.

Usage: /deadmin name1 [, name2 [...]]
Description: Revoke admin status from an administrator in the room. This revocation has no effect in other rooms and does not change the usual administrative status of the user.
Can use: [owner]
See also: /admin, /deop, /demod.

Usage: /demod name1 [, name2 [...]]
Description: Revoke mod status from a moderator in the room. This revocation has no effect in other rooms and does not change the usual administrative status of the user.
Can use in main rooms: [op] [admin] [owner]
Can use in user rooms: [mod] [op] [admin] [owner]
See also: /mod, /deadmin, /deop.

Usage: /deop name1 [, name2 [...]]
Description: Revoke op status from an operator in the room. This revocation has no effect in other rooms and does not change the usual administrative status of the user.
Can use: [admin] [owner]
See also: /op, /deadmin, /demod.

Usage: /mod name1 [, name2 [...]]
Description: Grant mod status to user(s) in the room for as long as they remain in the room or until it is revoked.
Can use in main rooms: [op] [admin] [owner]
Can use in user rooms: [mod] [op] [admin] [owner]
See also: /demod, /op, /admin, /userlevel.

Usage: /op name1 [, name2 [...]] [number (or "fixed")]
Description: Grant op status, with the given priority, to user(s) in the room. If no priority is given, fixed priority is assumed. This status lasts as long as the user is in the room or until it is revoked. In the case of a non-fixed priority, op status may be revoked automatically by the system if enough ops with higher priority are present.
Can use: [admin] [owner]
See also: /deop, /mod, /admin, /userlevel.

Usage: /userlevel name1 [, name2 [...]] normal/op/admin [number (or "fixed")]
Example: /userlevel Somebody normal
Example: /userlevel SomebodyElse op
Example: /userlevel ThirdPerson op 3
Description: Permanently change the user level of the given user(s) to admin, op, or normal user. A priority may be specified if the user is being made an operator. The system will assign op status to users starting with the op candidates with the highest priority. This priority value never comes into play unless there are more op candidates in a room than the system is configured to allow to have op status simultaneously.
Can use: [owner]
See also: /op, /deop, /admin, /deadmin.

User Management Commands

Usage: /ghost name1 [, name2 [...]]
Description: Make the given user(s) ghost users, meaning that they are not visible to normal users unless they speak.
Can use: [owner]
See also: /unghost.

Usage: /perm name1 [, name2 [...]]
Description: Flag the given user(s) so that their accounts will never expire from disuse. Note that the accounts of ops, admins, and owners will never expire anyway, so this command is only useful when run upon those who do not have administrative status.
Can use: [owner]
See also: /unperm.

Usage: /remove name1 [, name2 [...]]
Description: Permanently remove the accounts of the given user(s).
Can use: [owner]

Usage: /unghost name1 [, name2 [...]]
Description: Make the given ghost user(s) normal again, visible to other users.
Can use: [owner]
See also: /ghost.

Usage: /unperm name1 [, name2 [...]]
Description: Flag the given user(s) so that their accounts may expire from disuse. This is the default for all users. Note that the accounts of ops, admins, and owners will never expire anyway.
Can use: [owner]
See also: /perm.

Misc Administrative Commands

Usage: /broadcast message
Description: Post a message to all rooms.
Can use: [owner]

Usage: /broadcastmemo message
Description: Post a memo to all users.
Can use: [owner]
See also: /memo.

Usage: /clear
Description: Clear the room's message buffer.
Can use: [admin] [owner]