Story Hunt 4:9
carlaxs, on host
Monday, September 19, 2011, at 13:04:47
So, I've found the feature from whence the clue came, and I've read the other messages on this board, which just confirmed what I thought. I have tried: - each individual word, every combination of words, the acronym of, and the entire name of the feature, the subcategory of the feature where the item is found, and the specific item in the feature - the area in which the feature is found - the url where the specific item is within the feature - the original name of that kind of feature, plus its acronym and both individual words - the "name" of the "author" of that feature (as in, what's written where the author name usually goes), and the actual author - several chunks of the feature's description - several of the words of the clue
I'm assuming I'm missing something obvious, perhaps to do with the content of the clue? I can't find any connection with the story in it or anything, but I'm clearly not getting it. Help would be much appreciated!
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