Re: High-end chess sets
samhael, on host
Monday, January 28, 2002, at 22:16:05
Re: High-end chess sets posted by Philbee on Friday, January 25, 2002, at 12:42:29:
> > I own one $180 "Conquistador" (as I call it) chess set that has authentic-looking Indian (turquoise-colored) and Spanish (kinda white quartzish) pieces. I don't really use it, I just keep it out because it looks cool. The $5 plastic chess sets I own are much more functionable. > > > > The gentleman I live with has an IVORY Chinese chess set of inestimable value. > > > > Mi "!!" key > > Although I don't have one of these, I have seen a chess set where all the pieces are shot glasses, ranging from half a measure for a pawn to three for a queen. You're supposed to fill the separate sides with different-coloured spirits, then down all captured pieces in one. Nice. > > Phil-"Although after a time, one doesh get schlightly woozhy...pawnsh move fourteen schquares shideways, yesh?"-bee
I've always wanted a Swarovski Crystal Set. sam"Only they kinda cost a couple of thousand (Aus) dollars"hael
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