Letters can be distinguished strictly by physical representation in a number
of different ways. Sometimes groups of letters are given in the form of
a puzzle, and you have to figure out the rule by which they are grouped.
Below are several different letter groupings, which illustrate how many
letters in the alphabet possess some particular characteristic. Some of
the groupings below assume a sans-serif font.
Letters | Rule |
AEFHIKLMNTVWXYZ | Letters drawn with only straight lines |
COS | Letters drawn with only curved lines |
BDGJPQRU | Letters drawn with straight and curved lines. |
BDO | Letters with no endpoints. |
P | Letters with one endpoint. |
ACGIJLMNQRSUVWZ | Letters with two endpoints. |
EFTY | Letters with three endpoints. |
HKX | Letters with four endpoints. |
CEFGIJKLMNSTUVWXYZ | Letters with no enclosed areas. |
ADOPQR | Letters with one enclosed area. |
B | Letters with two enclosed areas. |
BCDEHIKOX | Letters with horizontal symmetry. |
AFGJLMNPQRSTUVWYZ | Letters without horizontal symmetry. |
AHIMOTUVWXY | Letters with vertical symmetry. |
BCDEFGJKLNPQRSZ | Letters without vertical symmetry. |
HIOX | Letters with horizontal and vertical symmetry. |
ABCDEFGJKLMNPQRSTUVWYZ | Letters without horizontal and vertical symmetry. |
HINOSXZ | Letters with 180 degree rotational symmetry. |
ABCDEFGJKLMPQRTUVWY | Letters without 180 degree rotational symmetry. |
BCDGIJLMNOPRSUVWZ | Letters that can be drawn without taking pen off paper. |
AEFHKQTXY | Letters that can't be drawn without taking pen off paper. |
COPSUVWXZ | Capital letters that look like the corresponding lower case letters. |
ABDEFGHIJKLMNQRTY | Capital letters that don't look like the corresponding lower case letters. |
IJ | Letters that are dotted in lower case. |
ABCDEFGHKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ | Letters that aren't dotted in lower case. |
BDFHKLT | Letters that have ascenders in lower case. |
ACEGIJMNOPQRSUVWXYZ | Letters that have do not ascenders in lower case. |
GJPQY | Letters that have descenders in lower case. |
ABCDEFHIKLMNORSTUVWXZ | Letters that do not have descenders in lower case. |
CDILMVX | Letters that are Roman Numerals. |
ABEFGHJKNOPQRSTUWYZ | Letters that aren't Roman Numerals. |
EHIS | Letters that consist of just dots in Morse Code. |
MOT | Letters that consist of just dashes in Morse Code. |
ABCDFGJKLNPQRUVWXYZ | Letters that consist of both dots and dashes in Morse Code. |