The Pencil Eraser
A heartbreaking tale of a young pencil eraser who discovers
his purpose in life too late.
The Boastful Piano Pedal
A pair of forlorn piano pedals learn that humility can triumph
over self-pity.
The Shoe and the Shoelace
A lonely shoe and a lonely shoelace team up to find happiness
together in this heartwarming tale.
The Rooster and the Egg
A befuddled rooster learns to sort out its differences with
an egg who would not be denied.
The Insecure Gargoyle
A poor little gargoyle learns to confront his fears in this
uplifting tale of self-discovery.
The Thermos and the Thermostat
A thermos and a thermostat learn that in a petty rivalry,
everyone loses, and nobody wins.
The Cat and the Mouse
The humblest of creatures proves the catalyst for a woman
and her cat learning the virtue of personal responsibility.
The Seven Secretaries
Seven secretaries work together and learn important lessons
about self-reliance.
The Kitten Who Got Stuck In the Tree
A life-affirming tale of a cute little kitty's desperate struggle
for freedom.
The Ball Bearing and the Glop of Grease
In this bittersweet tale of the meaning of life, a young
ball bearing learns an important lesson amidst his grief.
The Very Sad Tooth
A forlorn tooth discovers that a physical curse is a great
blessing in disguise in this inspirational rags-to-riches
saga of mutual love and acceptance.
The Thingie and the Thingies
This epic anecdote tells the heart-wrenching story of a poor
little thingie's quest to discover his identity and purpose.