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How well do you know NT?
Posted By: Beasty, on host
Date: Friday, February 8, 2002, at 07:56:00

I found out today just how hard it really is to configure NT 4 when you aren't doing it in your native language. I have spent all of today and yesterday configuring laptops in Dutch.

You suddenly have to know what the icons are or where in the menu the "copy" command is, and hope you don't confuse it with "cut"

The really stressful bit is trying to administer domain permissions and trying to tell the difference between "Lezen" and "beheerder"

I think I managed it OK and if I did, I have decided to put it on my CV

"Proficient in NT4 Dutch version!"

Bea"Sosi, I needed your Dutch skills today!"sty

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